the direct MR to MRS line i wish existed.

it would be so nice if nick could read my thoughts.
but, alas, boys are not telepathical things.
{neither are girls. shhh.}
things like, "it would be splendid if you had a fresh batch of cookies waiting for me after work."
"please pretty please get me flowers."
"do something spontaneously romantic.. NOW."
"please finish the dishes, clean off the counter, organize a bit, and vacuum so when i come home i can make you dinner and not fret."
and, "i may look like i want to kill you, but i just have a headache. that's all. you're sweet, but please stop asking me if something is wrong."
when i make up my mind to ask for/tell him something, i end up rationalizing with "i don't need that. i'm just being selfish. it's not worth it; i don't want to be a bossy, demanding wife."
things would be so much easier if men could read minds.
if only, if only. ;)

1 comment:

  1. hahaha this couldn't be more true! if only guys were good with subtle hints...if only :)
