a lengthy post about life and stuff. enjoy, hobos.

i like where i am...
i wrote this yesterday, because it was kind of perfect.
i woke up to a series of events that included koda maliciously licking my face, nick's daily "good morning, beautiful!" a trip to and from the U (my husbands such a big boy at his big boy school.) & koda disturbing my driving 100% of the trip the way she usually does by sticking her face just far enough out of the door so she can rest her head on the open window & not move from my lap-- ever.
i came home, watched something on the news, cleaned up a bit, took a shower, and got ready.
katherine (a co-worker) made some homemade soap about 2 weeks ago and gave us each a little bit, and i don't know what i've done with my life without it. it's practically perfect in every way, and my face is loving the TLC. (i don't even have to use lotion!)
so, that shower was a success.
then i let my hair go all curly & put on some underwear that smelled like tacos (i don't know why our washer does that, but what choice do i have? everything else is dirty.) so i loaded it with some Vicky's "pure seduction" & i think that did the trick. maybe.
following, i put on my favorite pair of big girl pants and stuck that pretty little wedding ring on my finger.
just then the relief society stopped by to say hey
there's this girl named ellen, she's in the presidency, we're friends.
she has two kids that make me cry because they're so cute & they have eyes the size of baby worlds, and she brought them along.
we had a nice little chat in the backyard.
then i went to the kitchen & pulled out my big girl cook book (did you know if you get a better homes & garden cookbook you get a free 12 month subscription to the magazine, too? i'm so excited.)
& was a pro at putting foodses in the crock pot-- first timer, aaww yeah!
i set it on low and went graciously out the door (some days i'm more than grateful that my hair is naturally curly.) no, seriously, someone probably should have filmed it-- i put on those heels, slapped some lipgloss on those beauties, petted my puppy goodbye, and looked like a super star walking to that truck.
oh, it is illegal to park next to the garbage cans on garbage day? whilst in the shower, i heard the garbage man come by & wondered if he'd be irritated by my parking job.
work has taken a long time. i look at the clock and go "hey it must be almost--- nope, still a bajillion more hours."
9 hour days are getting easier, however.
i'm so grateful for the knowledge that i have & that i'm able to help so many people with my job.
even now, as i write, family members of a patient are sitting in the inpatient waiting room watching "the game" on our tv.
we even have new beanie babies to give to the kids who come in, i love that.
nick has finally started work, yeah baby!
now we just have to wait for his income.... :)
other than that, life is peachy.
i'm going to go home tonight, ladle me a big bowl of stew, and watch the office as i cuddle with my sweetums under my soft pink blanket.
little things that used to bother me just don't anymore, i am perfectly content with my life in every way.
nick and i have been married for a half of a year, a whole 6 months have gone by & i almost can't believe it.
but they weren't kidding when they said the first 6-12 months are the hardest. and the best.
i'm excited for fall-- then again, who isn't?
halloween is my favorite (tied with christmas) holiday ever.
& fall, though short-lived in this frozen desert, is my favorite season.
maybe this winter i'll learn to snowboard & like the snow.
my outlook on life has changed-- i like to see the good in life now, instead of critizing all things to the bone.
& i like it.
you know when you can feel that God is shaping and molding you into the person you're meant to become?
that's how i feel these days.
as if everything inside of me is changing for the better, like i'm letting pure love soak into every inch of my soul and make me familiarly happy.
little moments seem big & wonderful, even when i see the word "wonderful" i mentally see sparkles & magic wands & people putting their hands in the air while looking into nothingness. (yeah, it's that awesome)
& the way people feel about me or think about me aren't important anymore.
all that matters is that i'm happy and i like celebrating my life the way i know how.
because, in the end, we're all just a bunch of kids trying to get home.

& that's the way it is.