awkward and, let's face it, awesome.


- i woke up this morning to my landlord coming in & getting our dishwasher measurements.. she thought no one was home because no one answered when she knocked. i was just asleep.
- let's play a game. how long can i go without starting my period? the answer is 5 days late. although the test came back neggers saturday morning, (not preggers) i still didn't start until yesterday afternoon & i was in so much pain that my whole body hurt. the whole thing. so, now that i'm completely exhausted while aunt flo takes her sweet time, it is my pleasure to announce that i will be in my sweats for as long as possible today.
- let's play another game. how many fleas can we find on koda? the answer is at least 10. probably more like 15. i should probably go to the store and get flea collars and whatnot, but again, in lots of pain. (i should be selfless and just brave the outdoors and pants. poor sweet koda..) the real question is where did she get them? we don't have a flea problem in utah...
- and, as much as i'm dreading it, i will have to get back on birth control. that is the last "pregnancy scare" i'll be having for awhile, thank you! does anyone have an OB/GYN that they like in Salt Lake City?


- my pay check will be large this weekend.
- fall is here, fall is here!
- i saw the "UP" house yesterday.
- i learned how to can peaches, make peach syrup, and peach jelly with my mom.
- nick has been extra cuddly and supportive lately, and he even woke up on his own this morning. aww!
- i was in a commercial that 24 million people saw! haha i still can't get over that! (even though i looked ridiculous in it because i had no makeup on and had been working all day prior to us walking into a church building to say a few words in front of a camera)
- i should be getting glasses soon (cross your fingers!)
- this saturday i'll be taking school pictures of my cousins and my brothers and sisters. i'm so excited! bah, i love taking pictures. we'll see how this goes!
- i am officially going full-time in january. i can finally have a normal scheduled dinner every night!
- and, lastly, fall is here. that means apples-- a bajillion and one apples.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, how com every man and their dog has been to the Up house but me. Is it in Salt Lake somewhere? Share you secrets please!

    As for the OBGYN, mine is in Bountiful, but I really like her. Is that too far for you?
