now that my toe is feeling better, i can get back to blogging.
in my absence we:
got sick.
my toe got infected and i gave up dressing myself for the week.
i lost my eyeliner so i gave up on makeup for the week
i seriously debated going to Paul Mitchell for my schooling.
partook in the wonder that is taco tuesday at Del Taco
i spent quality time with my husband
had a lovely breakfast with Sam at Bruge's
{i'm telling you, it's going to become a habit.
a glorious, wonderful habit.
plus, i still haven't tried their hot chocolate...}
oohed and ahhed at the festival of trees
went to CROWN BURGER beforehand and my taste buds exploded with happiness.
oh sweet, sweet pastrami burgers!!
on the way to a photo shoot saturday afternoon,
my wonderful husband took me to best buy and bought me...
my canon t2i!
the camera i've been needing wanting for ages.
Kjera had a "the baby may or may not be coming" scare!
so that means i start working early morning full time hours tomorrow.
everyone cross your fingers for me to be able to wake up.
i'm serious.
then, we played.
temple square goodness with my family
after dinner at Nacho's Libre.
my mom had 2 CityDeals coupons for us to use,
so we had to go in two separate batches to use them.
so we're all stealthy and my parents go in first with my little brother and sister,
and nick and i take the older 2 and come in after them.
we ate & left separately, and as we were leaving
i swear the cashier was laughing at us.
rightfully so, we're quite ridiculous.
and last but not least,
pajamas in jeans.
not to be confused with pajama jeans.
Girl! If you go to hair school, you HAVE to go to Taylor Andrews. Call me and I will tell you all the reasons why. The. End.