fact: i love new blog designs & designing them. old, used blog designs make me feel like cringing- like "it's last day of girl's camp and i can't wait to take a shower" "i took a bite out of that bagel before i realized it was moldy" "the sound of corn starch" "ugh i just saw that guy pick his nose & eat it at the stoplight" kind of cringe.
fact: i like being by myself. apparently when i was little i could play Barbies for hours without anyone around. i can still entertain my mind with little things. i guess i'm a slight introvert.. but we already knew that!
fact: i filled up my computer's hard drive with pictures & font downloads & music... so i had to transfer my old photos onto CD's, and i still only have around 6 GB of unused space left. uhhh....
fact: when i get hungry i feel like i'm going to throw up. almost to the point of high-tailing it to the bathroom. i don't know if that's healthy... does anyone else get that?
fact: i do not like following rules. you know? 
fact: i did some dishes last night.. and today.. and i even did laundry.. #progress.
fact: i'm not even that big of a tweeter yet i feel the urge to #hashtag constantly.
fact: i'm a perfectionist. which isn't good.
fact: i'm obsessed with photography everything. you name it, i love it.
fact: i want to move to boston. or philadelphia. or anywhere in pennsylvania. or DC. or canada? how about seattle? oregon? south carolina. i just need to get out!
fact: i think i might be a hypochondriac. (is that a sign of hypochondria?)
fact: i watched Dumb & Dumber so much as a child that i have the entire thing memorized. YEAH, I KNOW.
fact: i still bite my nails. & pull at the skin around it. & make them bleed. & gross people out, probably. and I can't stop because i wasn't blessed with slender fingers or nails so when i paint them they look like coins. so i don't.
fact: i'm allergic to dust. & dogs. & cats. & grass. & flowers. & trees. & fruits & vegetables. basically i'm a mess when it comes to spring/summer/fall allergies and i should just lock myself in the house all day.
fact: if i had a choice, i would have skinny jeans in every color & that's all i would wear every day. i work at a job where i have to wear "business casual" which means NO JEANS EVER. it hurts my soul!
fact: i do not like justin bieber. i do not like GLEE.
fact: how to lose a guy in 10 days is one of my favorite movies EVER. i want to be her... you know, marry matthew mcconaughey, work for a magazine, have great hair all the time.. haha, wiiiink
fact: my favorite thing about growing up is knowing who my real friends are: the ones that no matter how long we haven't talked or haven't seen each other, i know that they're always there for me and whenever i DO see them it's like we pick up right where we left off. i love that.
fact: i have a secret desire to live like the amish: no computers, no cell phones, no tv. just some good wholesome movies. i want a small, cozy house with exposed brick in a neighborhood where my closest neighbor is a 5 minute walk away. wood floors. lots of babies. lots of windows. a playhouse in the backyard & a grove of trees just behind that. two big dogs & my family.
fact: when i graduate.. i'm traveling the world.


  1. okay, i am absolutely in love with your blog. your design is just fabulous, and your little facts had me cracking up. i have every line to dumb & dumber memorized too! best movie ever! "excuse me, flo?"
    oh, and your analogies of old blog designs..perfect!!
    xo TJ

  2. haha this is so great! is the title from that kid history video!? my favorite. and yes, amish life would be absolutely amazing.

    and you can totally make a blog design for me anytime you'd like :)

    1. YES it's from the kid history video. they are HILARIOUS- one time i cried so hard from laughing that i was sobbing. and email me, for reals! i'll email you with a bunch of fonts & you can tell me the colors and what blogs you like.. then i'll make you a new blog! woo

  3. I just want too move everywhere too!! I have so many places that I want too go its crazy!
    Right with you on the coloured jeans, I want every colour available!
    Amy xo

  4. I've always diagnosed myself with various diseases (there's like 4 i'm pretty confident i have right now) and in school i studied physiology and took classes about disease which just made it worse! haha sometimes i have a conversation cycle in my head of me thinking i'm a hypochondriac but maybe i'm not, so then if i think i am and i'm not maybe i am, but then that would make me not one... confusing? yes

    1. haha, diseases. i think i've diagnosed myself with cancer more times than the common cold. i feel ya!

  5. I've always diagnosed myself with diseases (i'm pretty sure i currently have like 4) and in school i studied physiology and took classes about disease which just made it worse! haha sometimes i have a conversation cycle in my head of me thinking i'm a hypochondriac but maybe i'm not, so then if i think i am and i'm not maybe i am, but then that would make me not one... confusing? yes

  6. fact: steph is awesome.
    fact: i love these :)

  7. Yeah you could design my blog. I'd even pay you. I have problems when trying to do it myself. Or you could teach me. The nail thing looking like coins totally killed me. My nails are horrible too.

    1. ASH i totally would love to design your blog for you. or help you. either way. maybe we should just hang out & eat food & we'll design your blog? sounds good to me!

    2. Sounds like a fabulous idea. Let's plan it.

  8. I know exactly how you feel my friend...I'm dying to move somewhere completely new too! I think it's a curse. I'm always itching for a big change. Looooove the blog. Xo

  9. This is perfect I love it and also the throwing up thing could be bad I'd get it checked out. Might just be my medical background showing its ugly head haha. Also I now feel like I need to make copies of my pictures onto CDS. Thanks :)

  10. hey steph! i nominated you for an award! come check it out on my blog!

  11. fact: i am in love with these facts. so hilarious!
    fact:#myfriendsandilovetomakefunofthewholehashtagthingbydoingstufflikethis #orthingslikethis: #haha #exclamationpoint
    fact: i'm so with you on glee...i watched a little bit of the first season, but it became so trashy so quickly. it's sad, because it had the potential to be better than it is.
    fact: we got no jobs...we got no food...our pet's heads are falling off!

    1. hahahaha! you sold my dead bird to a blind kid?!
      SO GREAT. i have to admit that i do like some of the songs from GLEE, but not the actual show. you're right on. #we'recool

  12. FAAAAACT! I saw your husband at school today, (I go to the U. I'm pretty sure it was him...), & I thought of you & your cute blog! I love your hair, by the way. I keep asking my mom if that style will look good on me. She thinks not. I absolutely love your blog! :)

  13. I live in Amish country, PA! I'll switch with you if you want. I was in Tennessee for a couple years, so now PA feels like this awkward pretending-to-be-country kind of State, at least where I am. I want mountains! (<-- said in my best Bilbo voice).
