soleus and chocolate milk

I enrolled in a PE class this semester that forces allows me to go to the gym 3-4 times a week for credit. I thought, hey, at least then I'll have some motivation, no?
I went a total of 0 times the first three weeks of school. so last week I'm all "oh snap, I should probably get that going." so I did, and I am, except now if I want to get and A and full credit for the class I need to go at least 5 times a week.
read that slowly. 5. times. a week.
that's coming from the girl who falls asleep with oreo crumbs on her neck. (kidding.......) so by the end of this I better be freaking ripped or so help me.
jk. I'm actually loving it.

and I always crave chocolate milk after every workout. does anyone know why this is? apparently I'm not the only one.

how do we feel about protein mixes/shakes? I'm kind of scared of them.

anyone have any tips for motivation and/or favorite workouts? workout music? bueller? anybody?


  1. What do you have to do at the gym? Do you have specific things or do you just have to be doing SOMETHING? I used to play basketball and I was a total gym rat for about 8yrs of my life and went every. single. day. Sometimes twice...what the heck was wrong with me?! And where did all that energy go??

    Anyways, my suggestion (if you can do what you want) is to change things up. Maybe Mondays swim laps, Tuesday run, Wednesday lift weights for your arms, Thur work legs, aaand Friday shoot hoops and walk? Also, workout music is a MUST!

    1. We have to stay in the weight training/cardio area. I wish I could rock climb for a half hour and get credit for it! I used to be uber athletic too... I don't know where it went either! Heaven help us!
      I should start mixing things up a bit- do cardio one day and legs the next day and then cardio and arms the next day... smart lady.

  2. ah! i have advice for once haha

    i always have to take a preworkout (super pump is pretty good) because it fills me with energy and i can go go go the whole time. i LOVE it. a very good investment. and thats the only way i can work out in the morning. just make sure to eat something with it because if you don't regularly drink caffiene it'll make your stomach hurt. and i also find i get less cravings on days when i take a preworkout in the morning.

    and i love a good soy chocolate protein shake afterwards. almond milk, berries, protein, maybe some oats and honey and you've got a shake that *almost* tastes like a dessert.

    and i listen to billy idol, the killers, rihanna, kesha, lupe fiasco, justin timberlake to name a few... most of it's not my favorite genre but it gets my heart rate up.

    i bet you're like "whoa... i didn't really need that much info..." but i've been doing super good with my workouts and seeings results lately so i may have some good tips (i don't want to make this comment even longer by listing out workouts). and josh has done a LOT of studying on the subject so he's got lots of good advice. e-mail or whatevskis. or don't if you're like "too much bethany... too much..."

    1. this is fabulous! i'll have to try that superpump.... i'm not a caffeine person at all, so let's cross our fingers i don't puke all over the yoga ball haha. you like the protein shake, yes? i'll have to try that recipe also.

      you are more than welcome to make your comment longer! i'm like the awkward noob in the gym, tying my warmup jacket around my waist and everything.

      never too much!!

  3. When I was on the track team at USU, they actually had us take milk after we finished hitting the weight room. We were allowed two free milk packs every day, ha ha. I always got chocolate. I think there is an enzyme or something in milk that helps repair and recover your muscles after a workout. . .I could be totally off though. But whatever, chocolate milk just rocks.

    Good luck with your workouts. You'll be addicted in no time ;).

    1. hmm, reparative enzymes, i'm up for that! thanks for that knowledge, i honestly had no idea!

  4. I LOVE THIS. because as we speak i am currently skipping my exercise class. the one that i've skipped 4 times now......uh, about that.

    1. haha oh.. i know what that's like! but you have lots of motivation anyways, so.....

  5. I always crave chocolate milk after a race! Mostly because they are handed out after every race, it must be good for you or something...I hate protein shakes though. I prefer to eat food. As long as I get a healthy amount of protein and a ton of dark green veggies I'm good after hard workouts. Good luck!


    1. i always like eating a fried egg with some chocolate milk. eggs have protein, yeah? good advice on the dark green veggies.. never thought of that!

  6. Hhmm I am also used to taking milk chocolate shakes after the workout...but my instructor keeps telling me to have some more protein shakes also....well I believe the more you do the more you get...really find your post helpful in this regard..!!!

  7. i ALWAYS crave chocolate milk after a work out
    get it girl!!

    xo the egg out west.

  8. oh GIRL! I hear ya! I like Turbo Jam. bust out a 20 minute workout and feel basically a million times better. Good luck!

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  10. Thanks for this lovely post !
