the sugar cookie - st. george, ut

Friday night we picked up and headed out for date night. One of our first stops was The Sugar Cookie. Ah. Ah! I can't say enough things about this little shop. It's like the SweetTooth Fairy made love to a Granny B's Pink Cookie and these delicious things happened.

So, of course, we had to try all of them, which means we bought a dozen minis and one of their specials which was a Pumpkin Chocolate Chip sugar cookie with .. caramel frosting.

After a grueling judging session (I know, our lives are hard.) Nick's favorite is their Original, while mine remains to be the Red Velvet. Other honorable mentions include: Lemon, Chocolate Chocolate, and Vanilla Coconut.

If you're ever in St. G, go to this place.


  1. i will be stopping there on our next drive to disneyland. holy freak. amazing roadtrip snack for sure!

  2. um, i died? GET IN MA BELLY!

  3. So good. Red velvet is my fav too!

  4. can you go into a sugar coma just by looking at sweets???? I mean i know the answer because it just happened to me..and i'm not mad about it!!! ;)
    looks so so good!
