a post, a post i say!

you probably remember me from this one blog i used to write on.


- we went to SLC so Nick could go to jury duty. then we gallavanted around taking pictures.
- we repotted some plants.
- we helped with SUU's SCREAM and scared people whilst in masks
- we painted a wall in the kitchen with chalk board paint
- we were hipsters for halloween
- we went to a halloween party and didn't know what to do with ourselves (more on that later)
- we still have yet to carve pumpkins or do caramel apples
- we are super, super busy!

on the best note of all:

i recently got a job on campus as the graphic designer/publicity director for the SUUSA. guys, it's for reals! no more on-call at the hospital, no more working weekends or graveyards. now i have time to blog and do things worth blogging about. LIFE IS SO GOOD!

what the november?!


  1. Yay glad you're back!


  2. if only i could have your luscious lips. you guys are babes. & please post more often.

  3. I just wanted to say, your blog and the stories and things you put on it inspired me about two years ago, to become something better (this post I think was among the ones I read first). I was a senior in high school, and going through a bit of depression. It was tough but inspired me to do some blogging of my own (http://livepureserendipity.blogspot.com/), when my friend referred me your blog. I am an artist at heart (that is my current major :) and so I was immediately drawn to your colorful and clever posts, not to mention the occasional spark of sarcasm that is healthy for anyone going through a rough time. Thank you, Artist and Architect, for inspiring me to live a happier, more fulfilling lifestyle, and for your cleverness and passion for life. I love you guys.
    A fellow Artist.
