i got my cheapo gene from my mama, and when she figured out how to make an almost-like-starbucks rendition of "caramel apple spice," i just about died. nick and I had this a lot when we were dating (almost engaged) so it's kinda-sorta special to us. & it's perfect, PERFECT, i say for a cold night in.
all you need is:
apple cider (we use Western Family brand)
Starbucks' cinnamon dolce (bought at any Starbucks for about $7 & it lasts forever)
whipped cream
caramel topping
- you just heat up the apple cider combined with about 1 Tbsp of dolce per 2 cups of cider any way you can (we put ours in a cocomotion.) and top it with whipped cream and caramel. see? super duper easy.
happy holiday time!
that is literally exactly what is in there. take it from a former starbucks barista. make sure you do the carmel on top in a cris-cross fashion!