my Canon FTb QL

my sister's boyfriend who is absolutely fabulous brought me this beauty a couple nights ago.
it's my fourth film camera i've acquired (my two holga 120Ns & a Canon EOS 2000 35mm), and i couldn't be more ecstatic about it! 
it's an old Canon FTb QLfrom 1971. it's a super-duty hard-core completely manual weighs-100-pound  SLR 35mm film cameras from the hippy age.
like, what? and i got it for free? with a macro lens & a 50mm portrait lens? 
shut the front door. 

isn't she just gorgeous? stephanie said as she wiped the drool off her face. 

maybe now i'll take a stab at astrophotography.


  1. Yay!!!! You got another one! That's so awesome:)

  2. SO jealous! Love film photography.

  3. Love this! So... I just found your blog and became your newest follower, and already I think you're pretty awesome. Can't wait to read more posts and get to know ya!


    ps. your blog layout is rockin - do you design layouts? Cause I'd probably be interested.

  4. Definite beauty. We should have a photo hay-day one time. If that makes any sense?

  5. i was searching for info about the FTb and found your blog. i just got mine a few days ago. i do agree that this camera can survive a thermo nuclear war! it's built like a tank. what's the serial number on yours? and have you tried to use the light meter with a 1.5 volt battery instead of the recommended 1.3? i read that with the 1.5v metering will be off by 2 stops?
