Jupe du Jour and a GIVEAWAY! [closed]

Have you guys heard of Jupe du Jour?

It's like Stitch Fix, but it's for people who like to spend a little less to get a little more! Who doesn't love vintage goods, and shipped right to your door??

It's like thrifting without having to smell like old people. (I kid, kind of.)

And don't you just die over the baby box option?? Like is that not the perfect shower gift?

Anyways, they're graciously giving away a box (valued up to $35) away to one of YOU! Just head over to my Instagram to find out how to enter. And trust me, you won't be sorry!


  1. Ok that baby outfit is adorable!!!!!! So cute!

    1. Isn't it?! It makes me want to thrift for all my baby's clothes haha!

  2. Yay! So excited for my friend and her cute little new shop.
